Can you imagine the many things we could do by editing a specific part of the DNA? We could cure many diseases, discover new gene functions or even grow bigger crops to increase food production. The good news is that we are now closer than ever to achieve this thanks to CRISPR/Cas9, a genome editing tool that allows scientists to edit DNA in an easy, cheap, and specific way. If you want to learn more about this fascinating technique that is revolutionizing the whole world with its incredible potential, then this is a masterclass for you!
By joining this Masterclass, you will gain deeper knowledge of the CRISPR/Cas9 technique and you will have the opportunity to work in a virtual laboratory. You will learn about the (Epithelial-Mesenchymal) transition certain cancer cells can undergo which causes them to become mobile and able to colonize different organs (metastasize). You will visualize the proteins E-cadherin and F-actin, who’s changes mark the transition. By using CRISPR/Cas9, you will be able to see the effect on these two proteins when editing genes associated with the transition. The ultimate goal? To better understand the factors that enable a cell to metastasize.
Thus, you will experience working in a lab and you will learn about a technique that more scientists are introducing to their labs every day! In addition, during this Masterclass, you will have the chance to interact and learn from fellow students and teachers from the UMC Utrecht.
Deze masterclass is voor 5 of 6 vwo’ers met biologie.