Docentennetwerk informatica – 21 maart 2024

U-Talent brengt docenten informatica uit de regio bij elkaar in het Docentennetwerk informatica. Op een informele manier presenteren we ontwikkelingen in het vakgebied en bespreken dit met elkaar. Het netwerk is bedoeld als “regionale vaksectie”, omdat op de meeste scholen slechts één informaticadocent lesgeeft.

De bijeenkomsten staan onder leiding van Christian Köppe (vakddocent informatica U-Talent en vakdidacticus informatica UU). 


Deze bijeenkomst bestaat uit twee onderdelen. In een deel gaan deelnemers voorbeelden van (activerende) werkvormen rondom meer theoretische en/of abstracte concepten uit het examenprogramma delen. Yannis Velegrakis van de Universiteit Utrecht geeft in het andere deel een lezing over recent onderzoek rondom very large data (in het Engels, meer info zie beneden). Er is voldoende ruimte voor discussie in hoeverre dit onderzoek ook in het voortgezet onderwijs een rol zou kunnen spelen.

Title Seminar: Entity Linkage for heterogeneous environments 


Data of interest is nowadays found distributed across different sources that have been developed at different times, for different purposes and with different requirements in mind. As such, the sources are naturally highly heterogeneous. To make the best out of this data, the different contents need to be integrated. When this is done, It may happen that for the same real world entity there are different structures modelling it, originating from the disparate sources. The situation may occur even within the same data sources since people enter data in different forms, or real world entities naturally evolve.

To have a coherent representation, these structures that model the same real world object need to be identified and merged into one single structure. This is known as entity linkage, entity identification, or entity matching and is a fundamental first step of every integration task. In this seminar we will talk and get familiar with the different kinds of heterogeneities that exist and the methods that can be used to perform entity linkage.

About the speaker: 

Yannis Velegrakis (M) is a professor of Computer Science at Utrecht University (Netherlands), where he holds the chair of Very Large Data Management, heads the Data Intensive Systems Lab, and leads the Master’s programme in Data Science. He is also a Faculty member of the University of Trento (Italy) and head of its Data Management Group. His research area of expertise includes Data preparation and Curation, Data Quality, Big Data Management, Knowledge Discovery, Graph Management,  Highly Heterogeneous Information Integration and Data Exploration. He holds a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto. In the past, he has been a researcher at the AT&T Research Labs and has spent time for research work in a number of places like the IBM Almaden Research Center, the Huawei European Research Center in Munich, the Center of Advanced Studies of the IBM Toronto Lab, University of California, Santa-Cruz, and the University of Paris-Saclay. He has served as the coordinator of the EIT Digital MSc Program at the university of Trento, and Coordinates its Data Science Technical Major. He has served in program committees of many international conferences on data management and journal boards. Among those, he has been the general chair of VLDB 2013 and ICDE 2024, the PC Chair of EDBT 2021. He serves on the board of EDBT Association, is associate editor for SIGMOD Record, and is in the board of the SIKS Research School. He is also co-head of the Utrecht AI Lab in sustainable finance, and an ambassador for the Utrecht Applied Data Science.


Het docentennetwerk informatica bestaat uit 3 bijeenkomsten:

  • Dinsdag 14 november 2023
  • Woensdag 24 januari 2024
  • Donderdag 21 maart 2024

Elke bijeenkomst begint om 16:00 en eindigt rond 19:30.

Je kunt je in één keer aanmelden voor de gehele reeks, of los per bijeenkomst.

Praktische informatie

Start datum:
Utrecht Science Park
Ambitie Connectie Open
Gratis voor docenten van partnerscholen, €25 per bijeenkomst voor externe deelnemers


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